It's Good To Be Back!
Hey there! Thanks so much for checking out my blog! This is the very first post so there's not much to look at quite yet, but I'm looking forward to getting this going and being able to regularly share what's going on...from sharing about new paintings, fun life stuff, events and other random things on my heart. Sometimes I'll write and other times I'll share by video so please follow and stay updated!
Also you may or may have not noticed, but I had taken approximately 2 years off from painting. I really needed to have some rest time. I've been making art full-time since I was a teenager and was feeling a little burned out. I also had some strong desires to give more time to learning and growing in the supernatural ways of God which I did get to dive into with more focus! The break time also gave me a chance to be comfortable being myself apart from being an artist. It was really healthy for me to have that experience.
So as I mentioned above I was feeling burned out on painting and one day I got a strong message from God while I was in church. He clearly told me to "put my brushes down" and I saw them on fire. It was a scary thing to do and I wasn't sure how we would have income if I didn't paint, but I listened and for the super short story things adjusted and all worked out! It gave me time to reset and get refreshed and refocused...it was so great! I realize sometimes a bit of a break even from your passion is a good thing....so now I'm back and am very excited about it!
I'm beginning to make new art which feels great. I am also rebuilding some things so they can have a fresh start, such as this website! It's brand new and it feels so good to get it going! Please check it out and let me know what you think or if you have any feedback for improvements.
Thank you so much for checking out the blog and visiting my site!
Talk soon!!!
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