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Jennifer Main Gallery

I Shall Overcome | Original

I Shall Overcome | Original

Regular price $1,200.00 USD
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This is an original mixed media painting I did in 2008. It shows all the things that would try to limit us such as doubt, fear, failure, addiction, rejection, lack of resources, etc...the person climbing the ladder said, " Enough is enough!" and began to climb one step at a time out of those limitations! It's not a straight and easy climb out, there's twist and turns along the way, but look how high he got as he kept moving forward one step of faith a time!! Let this painting be a constant encouragement of all you have ovecome and will continue to overcome by thr grace of God!!! Keep looking up! Keep moving forward!


  • Size 24x24x2
  • Mixed media
  • Created in 2008
  • Free shipping in the US.
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